今日生きることを 選びつづける私たちへ / To you and me, who keep choosing to live today | 京都 蔦屋書店 6F ギャラリー





I am always thinking about creating artworks that are about living'.

I earnestly  confront the most fundamental phenomenon that means "the way of life”,and express my attention to "life," "existence," and "love," while connecting materials such as paint and clay with physical actions.

Drawing and creating with hands.It is a sincere way to keep me connected to reality.

As a proof of existence in this world, I (and by extension, we) indeed alive day by day, and keep carving little dots one by one.


2024年1月13日-30日 / 京都 蔦屋書店 6F ギャラリー | 13-30 MARCH / Kyoto TSUTAYA BOOKS 6F gallery
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